
Norway Today

Norwegian news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Norway's Bold Plan to Slash Student Debt

Published: 2024-09-18

The Norwegian government has announced a groundbreaking initiative to reduce student debt for residents in remote municipalities.

Starting January 2026, former students living in these areas can have 25,000 kroner of their student loans forgiven annually.

This initiative aims to make living in less central areas more appealing, addressing the decline in younger populations in these regions.

The plan, which is expected to cost 1.3 billion kroner annually, also includes doubling the debt relief for residents in Finnmark and Nord-Troms to 60,000 kroner per year.

The government hopes this will encourage more people to settle in rural areas, thereby supporting local communities and ensuring a balanced development across the country.

The proposal is currently seeking majority support in the Storting to be included in the new state budget.