
Norway Today

Norwegian news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Norway's Rising Sick Leave Crisis

Published: 2024-09-09

Norway is grappling with a significant rise in sick leave, reaching its highest level since the 2009 swine flu outbreak.

Recent statistics reveal a 7.1% sick leave rate, with a notable increase among younger workers, particularly due to mental health issues.

Experts like Stein Knardahl emphasize that workplace factors significantly contribute to this trend, despite some criticism of existing measures.

The IA agreement, aimed at reducing sick leave, has not yielded the expected results, partly due to changes in work content and digitalization affecting job motivation.

Political leaders, including Erna Solberg, express concern over the cultural attitudes towards work among the youth, suggesting a need for cultural shifts and better workplace support.

The debate continues on how to effectively address this growing issue, with suggestions ranging from policy changes to enhancing employer-employee dialogue.