
Norway Today

Norwegian news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Data Center Closure Sparks Electricity Cost Surge

Published: 2024-09-17

Residents of Hadsel municipality are facing a surprising increase in their electricity bills following the closure of a controversial cryptocurrency data center.

The data center, which had been a source of noise complaints and frustration for locals, was shut down this week, much to the relief of nearby residents.

However, the closure has led to a 20% increase in electricity distribution fees, as the data center accounted for a significant portion of the local utility's revenue.

This unexpected financial burden has dampened the initial celebrations of the data center's closure.

Local officials, including Mayor Kjell-Børge Freiberg, are now seeking new projects to utilize the excess electricity capacity and alleviate the increased costs for residents.

Despite the financial setback, the community is relieved to have regained peace and quiet after years of disruptive noise from the data center's operations.